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Katie Holl

I'm so glad you're here.

My name is Katie and I am so excited to share with you and the world that I'm writing a children's book! Well, technically, I've already written it. It's now in the beginning stages of illustrations!

I never imagined I would be here. So how did I end up here? That's both a short and long story. So let's go through the cliffs notes!

Ever since I was little, I've loved storytelling, art, reading . . . the whole literary and creative universe. My Mom had a lot to do with this. She always opted for a book over a show. I probably can't even count the number of books she's read! One of my favorite places to go with her was our local library. I would sift through all the books, finding ones I hadn't read yet. I can remember the smell, the layout of the library, stuffing my bag with as many books as was allowed.

My love for the artistic universe continued through college as I received my Bachelor's Degree in Creative Advertising with a focus on copywriting and creative direction.

Much of my career after college was spent on the business/account management side in advertising and marketing agencies. I gained so much knowledge, but I wasn't doing what I love. I was managing what I love. Before the birth of our first child, I decided to take a leap of faith and became a freelance copywriter. I've continued to offer freelance writing opportunities since.

Since having our kids my reading choices have become quite varied. From dinosaurs and princesses, to book-eating monsters, ponies, and superheroes, our shelves are full of literary tales and a rainbow of characters. As my oldest began to learn how to read it was incredible listening to her. She loves books just as much as her Mama and Grandmothers.

I've carried on the traditions with our kids (before COVID) to go to the library and scour the shelves of colorful spines. But I noticed something was missing as I diligently read each spine. There were so many books about almost every topic, except the one we experience every day . . . food allergies.

All three of our children have multiple food allergies. Our oldest was diagnosed at six months old after her first reaction to milk. Our two other children were tested and diagnosed at four months knowing there was a higher possibility with a sibling already having food allergies. We've had our fair share of experiences managing three kids with different food allergies.

What was missing in that library was a book for children with food allergies, and even more importantly, one about multiple food allergies. This was surprising as 1 in 13 children have a food allergy and it seems more and more children are diagnosed each year.

It wasn't until the past six months that I realized that this was something I would get to create - a collection of books about kids with food allergies. A glimpse into the everyday experiences of life through the eyes of food-allergic children. Food is a significant part of our lives, from everyday sustenance to holiday and events. For food-allergic individuals and their caregivers, food can cause some extreme stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness.

This collection is intended to focus on the positive side of food allergies through our experiences. To educate and create awareness not only about the lifestyle of someone with food allergies, but also the simple changes that can be made to include food-allergic individuals. To empower those with food allergies to live life to the fullest and also see the amazing life skills they've learned, like compassion, using their voice, and more.

The first book is planned to be released this year! This whole journey is so new to me, so I'll be updating you all along the way, including some information about food allergies and our experiences. To follow along, subscribe to my newsletter below and follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss


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