I'm always excited to see new books on the topic of food allergies. When Author Megan Herr first announced she was writing this, I couldn't wait to read it with my kids!

About the Author
Megan Herr is an anaphylaxis food allergy mom living in the Philly Burbs but grew up in Lancaster, PA. She's an international selling children's book author, real estate agent, food allergy advocate, and amateur baker and recipe substitution queen. Crossing bridges as I get to them --unless -- my anxiety says otherwise. I'm always here to lend an ear and I look forward to connecting with others!
"I personally can't sit idly by when my child is faced with a life-altering condition. As moms, we are their biggest advocates and their personal cheerleaders. We must not be afraid to stand up and make a difference for their cause. We will be their voice. We will be their change."
What Inspires You?
My son and the fact that there were no books out there for younger children.
Why This Book?
There were no books out there for younger children. What was needed was a book that was simple, colorful, direct to the point, and short. It’s a great introduction to food allergies.
What Have You Enjoyed Most About Writing and/or Publishing?
The whole process was great. My publisher was a great source of knowledge and guidance. I knew the concept I wanted, so it was just writing it clearly enough and in a concise way to easily get the points across.
What is Something That Has Surprised You During Your Book Publishing Journey?
How many steps it took to get a book published and on the shelf. You comb through tons of illustrators, layouts, fonts, what goes where. Then it’s what type of book you want. Vision boards. Edits and making sure it’s perfect. It’s something you can rush through. It’s true what they say “Good things take time!”
What Advice Would You Give to Aspiring Authors?
Do your research between self-publishing and using a publisher. I chose a Hybrid Publisher because it was what I needed to get my book out there. Everyone's needs are different. There is no right or wrong way to publish a book, in my opinion. Chase after your dreams and goals, they are achievable!!

Book Description: Join Lucas as he discovers that food allergies don't have to stop anybody from having fun!
(Katie) Cover Review: I love the cover and little Lucas and his backpack headed to daycare. As a food allergy parent, it very much reminds me of us toting everything around!
(Kids) Cover Review:
(7-yr-old): I love that his mom is giving him a piggy back ride.
(5-yr-old): I like his backpack.
(Katie) Story Review: This was definitely a book we could relate to - even to the illustrations of Lucas sitting in a highchair for snack as we have also had to manage in this way with some of our children. What I really loved was how positive the story was and how Lucas isn't upset that he can't have something. This book also did a great job at illustrating inclusion and how food-allergic children can participate in all the activities, just a little differently. All the information presented was clear and matter-of-fact, which I enjoyed and made it easy for the kids to understand.

(Kids) Story Review:
(7-yr-old): My favorite part was when it was his friend's birthday and we have three of the same allergies as him. I would tell people that this book will help other people learn more about food allergies and what might happen. This book also helps you learn that you can be brave.
(5-yr-old): I liked how they kept him safe by putting him in the highchair.
(3-yr-old): I liked the puppies.
(Katie) Overall: The book definitely held the kids' attention. The illustrations are bright, fun, and complement the story well. I enjoy the watercolor/colored pencil look. This is a great introduction to food allergies and getting a glimpse of how families manage them in a daycare setting. I would recommend to any parent of toddlers, especially those who are concerned with sending their child to daycare with food allergies.

Interested in adding this book to your library? Book details and where you can find it are listed below!
Title: Lucas Takes His Food Allergies to Daycare
Author: Megan Herr
Publisher: Mascot Books
Size: 8 Page Board Book
Suitable for ages: Toddlers to Pre-K
Currently available Online at: www.get-lucas-book.com, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Mascot Books, Books-A-Million, Target and Wal-mart
In-store at: Barnes and Noble Devon, PA. Starr Books in Douglassville, PA and Royersford, PA. Learning Express Collegeville, PA and Blue Bell, PA
Website: www.thealherrgymomblog.com
Instagram: lucas.takes.his.allergies_book
Facebook: The Alherrgy Mom Blog